Can You Take Birth Control While Breastfeeding?

 Krystal Duhaney Profile Photo
By Krystal Duhaney | Updated on Dec 3, 2023
Image for article Can You Take Birth Control While Breastfeeding?

Yes, you can use birth control while breastfeeding, but it's key to remember that any hormonal contraceptive can potentially affect your milk supply 1 .

While progestin-only methods are generally seen as a safer bet for breastfeeding moms, it's not completely risk-free. Some moms do report a drop in milk supply, even though many studies haven't found a significant impact.

As for combined hormonal contraceptives (those estrogen and progestin duos), the concern is a bit higher. Evidence suggests that estrogen might lower milk production. That's why healthcare experts usually advise waiting until your milk supply is well established, around the six-week mark postpartum, before popping that type of pill, patch, or ring.

All in all, the keyword here is “individual.” Everyone’s body is its own unique universe. The way you'll respond to hormonal birth control while breastfeeding can't be predicted with 100% accuracy, so be sure to chat with your healthcare provider. They'll help guide you on the right road, considering your personal situation and needs.

Pregnant woman holding her stomach on a bed with a plant in the background

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  1. Marit Pearlman Shapiro, Karina Avila & Erika E. Levi "Breastfeeding and contraception counseling: a qualitative study"BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthFeb 25, 2022

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Updated on Dec 3, 2023

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Can You Take Birth Control While Breastfeeding?

 Krystal Duhaney Profile Photo
By Krystal Duhaney | Updated on Dec 3, 2023
Image for article Can You Take Birth Control While Breastfeeding?

Yes, you can use birth control while breastfeeding, but it's key to remember that any hormonal contraceptive can potentially affect your milk supply 1 .

While progestin-only methods are generally seen as a safer bet for breastfeeding moms, it's not completely risk-free. Some moms do report a drop in milk supply, even though many studies haven't found a significant impact.

As for combined hormonal contraceptives (those estrogen and progestin duos), the concern is a bit higher. Evidence suggests that estrogen might lower milk production. That's why healthcare experts usually advise waiting until your milk supply is well established, around the six-week mark postpartum, before popping that type of pill, patch, or ring.

All in all, the keyword here is “individual.” Everyone’s body is its own unique universe. The way you'll respond to hormonal birth control while breastfeeding can't be predicted with 100% accuracy, so be sure to chat with your healthcare provider. They'll help guide you on the right road, considering your personal situation and needs.

Pregnant woman holding her stomach on a bed with a plant in the background

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  1. Marit Pearlman Shapiro, Karina Avila & Erika E. Levi "Breastfeeding and contraception counseling: a qualitative study"BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthFeb 25, 2022

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