Sex can potentially induce labor because having an orgasm can release oxytocin (which might stimulate contractions), and semen contains prostaglandins (a hormone-like lipid that can help soften and dilate the cervix). Both of these factors might help stimulate contractions in your uterus.
While it’s not guaranteed to work, sex is generally safe to try unless your healthcare provider has advised against it. There are certain situations where sex might not be safe during pregnancy. For instance, if you have placenta previa, where the placenta covers the cervix, or if you are at risk for preterm labor, sex could lead to complications. Other conditions like cervical insufficiency, where the cervix begins to open too early, or if you have a history of preterm labor or multiple gestations, can also make sex risky.
Always consult with your provider to ensure it’s safe for you, especially if you have any of the above pregnancy complications.