It’s not recommended to take weight loss supplements while breastfeeding.
Research on the safety of various weight loss supplements during breastfeeding is quite limited. Each supplement has different ingredients, and some of these could pass into your breast milk and potentially affect your baby. There's also the issue of reliability. The supplement industry isn’t strictly regulated, so you can't always be sure about the quality or safety of the product.
Additionally, some weight loss supplements aim to dramatically reduce your caloric intake, which isn't ideal when you're nursing. Remember, breastfeeding itself burns around 500 calories a day, so you need to eat enough to keep up your energy and milk supply.
Instead of turning to weight loss supplements, a balanced diet and regular physical activity are usually the best approach for postpartum weight loss. If you're considering taking a weight loss supplement, please consult with your healthcare provider first. They can provide guidance based on your specific circumstances and suggest safer alternatives if necessary.